school work
the school asked us to make some tilesets using a specific template in photoshop
they are a bit too high-poly and high-color for my tastes, but thee school asked us to use a specifig gradient technique, which speeds the process a lot, but is too clean to look like it accomodates the limitations of old hardware.

corroded concrete
the white spots are handcrafted on this one to have continuity no matter which tile is next to it, no matter the direction of that tile.
packed sand
not really proud of this one, i tried to follow the tutorial given by the teachers as closely as possible, but it really turned out not so great, i must have done something wronganimations
Those animations were also requested by the school, but we had a lot more fredom to make them.
I really enjoyed crafting those.

walking girl
a walking loop animation made using the synfig animation software, by using a video ofme walking as a referenceunity bones
a few simple animation loops made using the usnity bone system on a svg chibi characterAI
even though AI is a controversial topic, some of our classes were teaching us how to use it and how to refine the process, so here it is anyways. Note that all of these were generated using the pastelmix model, because it looks good, and even though it is likely not ethically trained, i don't know of any model who is (looking at you adobe, claiming ownership over works made using your software to "ethically" train your ai does not make it any more ethical than the others.
but i digress.

bee boy
an image generated in multiple steps and refinemment stage, with colorimetry edited to look more vibrant.
magic wand
with this one i was mostly trying to figure out how much denoising to use to get the best result out of the ai, turns out that below 50% you get nearly no result, between 50 and 70 you get a nice smoothed out image, and over that range you get more creative result that the ai gradually reinterprets into what it wants to see (in my case, it was replacing the wand by a magical girl)Project-related works
polypus (rework)
i know i already made a game called polypus, but this is my attemps at rewriting it from the ground up to make it more interesting and fix most of its many shortcomings.
as the game is far from being done, most of these are only preparatory works, some of which won't even be in the final game.
squid version 1
this is the first squid i tried making for the game, by trying to get the proportions and anatomy righ. but this ended up making it more scary than friendly, which is a bad thing for a protagonist of such a cute and simplified game.squid version 2
this squid looks much more friendly, and it is likely the one that will make it in the final version, even though its contours can look pretty bad on lower resolutions.bubble
i don't know yet where this asset will be used, but it will definetely be, and in a lot of different places and with different sizes in order to give life into the game.time factory (temporary name)

the tilemap for the floor and walls of the game. it is using 16 by 16 pixel tiles. I wanted the style to be minimalist so the important gameplay elemnts (theyyellow paint) stand out more. I think you can get the joke about the yellow paint right? 😉
conveyor tiles
conveyor belt animated tiles in 16*16.the fact that the wheels stop during the spin give a somewhat broken look that really fits the atmoshpere of the old abandonned factory.

a pixel art cat using a cc-by license, that was heavily modified to match the feel of the game, then animated, as the base image was static.other stuff

this website
this is still 2D work i think? i did the html and CSS all by myself, making sure that the fancy features were not mandatory so it still is somewhat usable on older and lighter browsers like opera mini and netsurf.
this is a pixel art made in 2021 for an art contest on the discord server for the last quarter game studiosit won the third place out of 9

super kitten tales/super kitty tales
even though most of the sprites in these games are ripped from neutronized's super cat tales 1&2 (with permission of course), all of the technical art (the UI), and some of the sprites and animaations are made by me (like the plant animations, the night and heart shop sprites and the sprites for the music selection screen, were all made by me)but listing them all here would take too much space on the protfolio for mostly redundant art, so here is the main screen of the game.